Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On the right track!

So I finished the cleanse last Friday ( so it's been 4 days since). In that 4 days a lot has happened! I've begun a healthy eating lifestyle that DOESN"T limit me to foods I hate eating etc... I'm take a few things Allan (Lean and I's kickboxing instructor) emphasized to us and have put them in place. Here they are:

1. Eat all starchy carbs before noon time (this is so your body can burn them rather then turning into fat)
2. Eat healthy fats before bed  to get your body to burn the fat over night (i.e almonds, avacado, etc)
3. Eat every 2 -3 hours
4. Eat a minimal of 1900 calories (that is for me due to my metabolic rate)

So all in all things are going great! I feel like I constantly eat, but that is a good thing because I never find myself truly hungry throughout the day. I have found a variety of things that are natural, healthy and full of protein that I enjoy throughout the day! One thing that has been different (which I give props to Leah on finding this) is the use of Chia seeds! You get the benefits of using them as a source of Omega 3 and they're high in fiber! They can be added to pretty much everything and you don't taste a thing (except maybe their texture, which is like raspberry seeds).

I weighed in this morning because I was dying to know if I had all of sudden put back 5 pounds on, but to my surprise I hadn't! I was down another 3 pounds! My next goal is to track my measurements and see how those go - I need to remember to take them first!!


  1. Gotta get my Chia on - the first experience scared me.

  2. My first Chia experience scared me, too, but by noon I felt better.
