Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Zero Calories?

I was confident with this day being next, knowing I can have all the veggies and fruit I want! I did step on the scale and I was 3 pounds down, which was nice to see after stepping on it yesterday afternoon and seeing it up a pound. Leah reminded me it was because of all the water, which I can see is entirely true! I started off my morning making my fruit smoothie in my classroom! It was delicious and will be definitely something I'll continue to make when I transition over into my healthy eating lifestyle!

I filled my day with eating an entire cantaloupe for snack, a half bag of carrots and a full bag of peas for lunch, and some more peas for dinner! This was pretty easy overall. The biggest challenge would be whether or not I passed out during cardio kickboxing. I didn't but I also didn't give it my all so that way my body wasn't overworked either.

After class Leah and I were talking to our instructor and after he found out what we were doing (which he strongly is AGAINST) he pretty much reminded us that we're taking in no calories. Which I didn't think much of until the drive home.Then my fiance (Pete) reminded me that no matter what weight I lost during this, I'd probably gain it all back once I go back to eating the other types of foods. Which is true but untrue when I switch to my healthy eating style! Anyways, I'm worried about 2 things tomorrow with bananas 1. they have a lot of fiber (you know what that means) and 2. bananas and milk ONLY (AHHHH). Get me through to Friday when I can have meat!!!

Good night!

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