Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 3....

ALL the vegetables and ALL the fruit (except bananas.)  I was irrationally excited for this day to come.  After the hellish starving day of ALL the vegetables, I was ready for fruit.  I made a super yummy smoothie with spinach, strawberries and coconut water for breakfast, and snacked on other fruit and more smoothies throughout the day.  I had some faint hunger throughout the day but nothing major.  It was much harder to drink all of my water today, and I didn't.  I still felt like I was peeing 9 times a minute.

The black coffee is getting old.  I miss my half and half - but shockingly, that's the only thing I'm missing so far.

I was worried about having enough energy for kickboxing, but I made a fat smoothie right before and I felt pretty good.  I had a magnificent bowl of peas with vinegar and garlic salt for dinner, and I think I'll have another smoothie soon because I'm not full.

Sarah and I met with our kickboxing trainer after class tonight.  We weren't going to tell him about the cleanse because we knew he wouldn't approve, but our friend ratted us out.  He was clearly unimpressed and kept warning us to be careful.  He made us feel like crap.  After he got over that, he offered his advice about what we should be eating to lose weight and keep up enough energy to work out every day.  More on that later, I can't concentrate on cleansing and real eating on the same night.

Tomorrow is bananas and milk.  I'm petrified.  I hate milk.  Bananas are ok.  The Magic Bullet is going to be my best friend.

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