Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GMC 7-Day Cleanse, Day 1

"I think I'm going to try this 7-day cleanse I saw on Pinterest...."

Sarah said this to me and of course I agreed before I even knew what the aytch she was talking about.  Unfortunately, in Sarah I have met my match in try-any-diet-at-least-twice-ness.  She's a bad influence.  Just kidding.

After researching the cleanse, I learned that it was created by GMC for its employees.  Created by GMC to torture them and make them skinny and their poop clean, I guess?

Day 1...all fruit, all the time.  Lots and lots of water, plus this 0-calorie soup that the cleanse provides the recipe for.  We shopped on Sunday, mostly in the produce aisle, and a little in the meat aisle.  Our carts were hilarious.  We happened to have Day 1 off from school, which helped.  I mixed up a watermelon/frozen berry/water smoothie to start my day.  Black coffee, nothing else allowed.  Lots of water.  I left for what I thought was the morning and ended up being gone all day - with no snacks - not a good move.  By 4:00 I was beyond ravenous.

I borrowed a Magic Bullet - OMG - that thing is my new boyfriend - not in a gross way.  Mixed up another smoothie while gobbling up as many grapes as I could fit into my mouth.  Left for aqua zumba feeling a little light headed.  Came home and started to eat a giant grapefruit and found that I was too full to finish it.  Weird.  Later in the night I was craving sweetness and I Magiced some frozen pineapple and mango to make sorbet.  Yum.