Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eating Clean....

Soooo, for me, meal planning is always the hard part. Every diet I've ever been on (and that's kind of a lot) has required a ton of legwork. I went food shopping Monday night and spent a ton, because I was forced by Mother Nature to go to Shaw's. When the week started, I was excited. I felt like I had so many more good choices than usual. I'm trying to follow Allan's advice that Sarah posted, mainly staying away from fake sugar and carbs.
The thing I miss the most is Diet Coke. I especially missed it while I was in NY and at restaurants a lot. I don't miss sugar at all, which is shocking me.
My favorites so far are chocolate and vanilla almond milk (hardly any calories!) I love smoothies made with the chocolate, a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. This afternoon I threw in some leftover coffee and ice and skipped the banana. I am also madly in love with steel cut oats (the healthiest oatmeal choice, but time consuming) made with vanilla almond milk. I mixed in a banana and some dried cranberries (not Craisins because they have added sugar) - it tasted like ice cream and I would've licked the bowl if people weren't standing there.
Dinners haven't been too exciting yet, due to lack of time because of my workouts. I microwaved a big spaghetti squash last night and ate half with low sugar spaghetti sauce and parm for dinner - so yummy and filling. I have a bunch of sweet potatoes to use too. I really enjoy not eating meat every day but know I need to bulk up my calories a bit and that's probably how I should do it.
I'm psyched. Especially now that I have a bridesmaid dress to buy soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo!! Sweating for the dress- Me Too!!!!
